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Making Health Matter

Healthcare is one of many evolving areas in today’s culture.  Prevention, screening, and patient education have been pushed to the forefront in order to reduce costs and promote a healthier lifestyle.   With so much information available at our finger tips,  I sometimes find it overwhelming.   How am I supposed to know what I need?  Is it even really necessary?

Getting Started:

I recently found a you tube channel that I love.   It’s hilarious, educational, and easy to access with my busy lifestyle.

It was started by 2 Family Nurse Practitioner’s that wanted to bring some educational humor to healthcare.   I encourage you to check them out and start taking an interest in your health. They are also available on facebook.

As I approach 40, and the annual mammogram nears, I am overwhelmed with knowing what else I may need?  I am completely one of those girls that sees a doctor once a year for the annual pap.  Otherwise, I avoid it all cost.  In all seriousness, the pap is bad enough, the thought of standing topless in a room while a machine smashes my breasts into pancakes, sounds beyond unpleasant.

Don’t get me wrong, I think they are super important.  As a matter of fact, a good friend of mine just had one and caught her cancer so early it could not even be staged yet.   That is the ultimate goal of preventative screenings right? Catch it before it catches you.

Where to Begin:

A.   It’s time to get a healthcare provider.   Stop just using the urgent care down the street, or worse yet, using the internet.   While they may have a purpose, they do not substitute for having someone to discuss your concerns with and seek advice from when it comes to your health.  It’s okay to be choosy.  It’s important to like your provider and feel comfortable with them and their staff.   Ever had a bad experience with doctors?  Choose a Nurse Practitioner or Physician’s Assistant.  Stop being afraid and find someone you can trust. 

B.  Use the internet to educate yourself….not to diagnose yourself.  There is a BIG difference.  The more knowledge you empower yourself with, the more in control you will be, and able to participate in decisions regarding your health.  Knowledge is POWER.

C.  Know you’re family history.  What are your risk factors?  Have you made poor lifestyle choices that may have increased your risk of developing cancer, hepatitis, stoke?   What about your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles?  Anyone die early of cancer, stroke, or heart disease?   It is important to know in order to screen early and prevent you from having to suffer from the same illness.   You control your health, don’t let it control you.

D.  It is important to be honest with yourself and your provider.   They are not there to judge you, they are there to help you.   The more you hold back, the less help they can provide.   If you are ready to take a serious step toward your health, be forthcoming, but importantly, don’t be afraid to take action.   

Below is a link you can use to see what screening tests are recommended for you.  Print it off and take it with you to your next appointment!