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Top 3 Reads for Getting Your Life Together

So if you’re at all like me, I need a little inspiration from time to time.  Sometimes it’s due to a life situation that is completely out of my control, like getting divorced, losing a loved one, losing a job, etc.   Other times it is because life is good and I get complacent.  I get so complacent that my life spirals out of control.  I become disorganized, unmotivated, and find it hard to find my starting point.   Since I love to share, I want to share my favorite 3 books that have helped me the most.

You’re Not the First Little Girl to Get a Divorce       By Lola Kent    

Lola is a new author and I absolutely love her style, her humor, and her twist on coping with life.  There is so much I can relate to in this book.  It is such an easy read, one minute you’re laughing, and the next you are crying.    Partially crying, because you’re laughing so hard.   This is so me in my former life.  My absolute favorite take away point in this read is learning how to deal with a narcissistic sociopath.  Can I get an Amen sister?  We have all had them in our lives at some time or another.  The sooner you learn to disconnect the better.  Let Go and Let God. Hallelujah.  I absolutely cannot recommend it enough!   It is absolutely fabulous!

Make It Happen          By Lara Casey

This book helped me to get back on track, live with intentional purpose, and declutter my life, heart, and mind.  She is real.  She is honest.   She helped me accomplish a goal I never thought possible.  One of my absolute favorite principles of this book is “when you respond to people after hours, you are giving them permission to contact you after hours.”   Yes! Yes! Yes!   How can one sentence be so life changing.  Family time must come first ladies, turn off the phone, turn off the computer, and enjoy the people you have sitting in front of you.

Of Mess and Moxie           By Jen Hatmaker

For anyone that follows this woman, do I really have to say anything besides Jen Hatmaker ya’ll (mic drop)!  She fabulous, witty, and a one of kind.   Having 5 kids of my own I can completely relate to every. single. part of this book.  What I learned from this book is try your best, forgive yourself often, and build a tribe around you.  It is okay to let others help you.  It is okay to let you house be messy.  We all fail, we all screw up, and we will all get back up tomorrow and do it again.  This book had me rolling, particularly the chapter on shopping for a bathing suit.   Been there, done that.   I can’t recommend this book enough!